Prevailing winds in dasht e lut desert
Prevailing winds in dasht e lut desert

Negaresh H, Latifi L (2008) Geomorphological analysis of dunes drifting process in the east of Sistan Plain during recent draughts. PhD thesis, University of Tehran (in Persian) Negahban S (2014) Reconstruction of morphodynamic changes in western fringe of Lut desert base on nebkha studies. Institute of geography, University of Tehran, Geographical Report 7 (in Persian) Monod TA (1971) An overview to physical characteristic of Lut Desert (Trans: Mahmoudi, F). Mohammadkhan Sh (2012) Grain size and shape of sand grains in ergs of Iran.

prevailing winds in dasht e lut desert

Ministry of energy of Iran (2012) Classification and coding of watershed of Iran (in Persian) Mehrshahi D, Thomas D, Bitman M, Ohara S (1999) The formation, changing and dating of Ardakan Kuh Rig (sand ramp) in Yazd. Mehrshahi D (2012) Sand ramp studies, case study: Yazd province. Paper presented at the international conference on dryland change, Upington, South Africa, 2001 Mehrshahi D (2001) Geographical and geomorphological characteristics of sand ramp fields near to the Shir Kuh Mountains, Yazd (Iran). Mashhadi N, Ahmadi H, Feiznia S (2007) Analysis of sand dunes to determine wind direction and detect sand source sites (case study: Khartooran Erg, Iran). Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran (in Persian) Mahmoudi F (2002) Geographical distribution of ergs in Iran. Mahmoudi F (1977) Birth and death of a nebkha. Phys Geogr Res Quart 45(2):21–38 (in Persian) Maghsoudi M, Yamani M, Khoshakhlagh F, Sahryar A (2013) Impact of wind and atmospheric pattern in location and direction of Dasht-e Kavir ergs. Phys Geogr Res Quart 44(1):55–76 (in Persian) Maghsoudi M, Negahban S, Bagheri S, Chezgheh S (2012) Comparative and analysis of nebkhas geomorphologic features of four plant species in west of Lut Desert (East of Shahdad - Takab Plain). Geogr Res Desert Reg 2(3):1–20 (in Persian) Maghsoudi M, Negahban S, Bagheri S (2014) Analysis of the morphometric characteristics of arrow sand dunes of Alhaji Maurorum in the west of Lut desert. Quant Geomorphol Res Quart 5(4):176–189 (in Persian) Maghsoudi M, Mohammadi A, Khanbabaei Z, Mahbobi S, Baharvand M, Hajizadeh A (2017) Monitoring of barchans and dunefields migration in the west of Lut desert. Quant Geomorphol Res Quart 5(1):160–180 (in Persian) Maghsoudi M, Ahmadi A, Shayan S (2016) Effect of neotectonics and climatic changes on evolution of dunefields of northeast of Ahvaz. Geogr Arid Reg Stud 8(32):81–92(in Persian) Maghsoud M, Ganjaeian H, Hoseini SJ (2018) Evaluating the effectiveness of supervised and unsupervised classification methods in monitoring ergs (case study: Jazmourian Erg). In: Parsons AJ, Abrahams AD (eds) Geomorphology of desert environments. Lancaster N (2009) Dune morphology and dynamics. Laity J (2008) Deserts and desert environments.

prevailing winds in dasht e lut desert

In: Goudie AS (ed) Encyclopedia of geomorphology (vol 2). Gharib Reza MR, Motamed A (2005) Study of coastal sand dunes changes in Sistano Baluchestan province. KeywordsĬooke RU, Warren A, Goudie AS (2006) Desert geomorphology. Ventifacts are one of those features representing the dominance of wind erosion activities as spectacular shapes and can be found in many desert areas of Iran. Different kinds of desert pavements can be seen even in the volcanic plateau of Lut Desert such as Gandom Beryan and Sarzamin-e Siah (black land). Lee dunes and sand ramps as aeolian landforms show wind erosion process in desert areas.

prevailing winds in dasht e lut desert

The highest nebkha of the world is located at the west and south part of Lut Desert (Mahmoudi in Lit Humanit Fac J 24(1–2):299–314, 1977 Maghsoudi et al. Other shapes of wind-eroded landforms are nebkhas in the region. The biggest one is Yallan Sand Sea in the Lut Desert. Ergs are one of those landforms that abounds in the east and middle part of the country. In Iran, we can almost find many factors affecting the development of aeolian landforms such as sediment supply, smooth and flat surface, and intense of prevailing wind, in almost all desert aeolian landforms.

Prevailing winds in dasht e lut desert